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Now you can use ChatGPT without an account: ‘Anyone curious should…’

OpenAI will now allow users to access its free-to-use ChatGPT generative AI chatbot without needing to sign up for the service, the Microsoft-backed startup said. ChatGPT can mimic human conversation and perform tasks such as creating summaries, writing poems and even generate ideas for a theme party. OpenAI said that it will gradually roll out the feature to “make AI accessible to anyone curious about its capabilities.”
This comes as ChatGPT, which was set a record for the fastest-growing user base, saw its growth slow down since May 2023, as per data analytics firm Similarweb.
OpenAI said it introduced additional content safeguards for users accessing ChatGPT without signing up. These will include blocking prompts and generations in a wider range of categories- which the company did not specify. Alongside this, OpenAI also offers paid ChatGPT versions for individuals, team users and enterprises. Additionally, the company said that it could use content provided by users to help improve its large-language models. Although, users will have the option to turn off the feature.
The move comes about a month after Elon Musk sued OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman, claiming that they abandoned the startup’s original mission to develop artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity and not for profit.
Although it seems unlikely that Elon Musk’s lawsuit played any role in OpenAI’s decision as other products of the company, like the newly announced AI voice cloning service Voice Engine and the video creation platform Sora, remain available only to a limited number set of users.
